Friday, October 15, 2010

what to do....

so update on my life... i have recently rediscovered a song that i have missed terribly but didn't realize it until i discovered it. ill have to tell you the story. i was amid the struggles of studying and wanted to get a break. so i went to the CAC to play on the practice pianos there cause i have recently rediscovered how much i love playing the piano. it really really calms my soul. so back to the story. i went over to play and after going through the two songs that i have to play i was still not feeling the calming that i needed. i decided to try and remember the feather song from forrest gump and maybe i would feel that calming feeling and i could get back to work. so as i start to try and play from memory i am having the hardest time being able to remember the sections of the song and for some reason its not sounding like the song that i was thinking. and yet my fingers are playing something that they know and all the while i am starting to try and figure out what it is that my fingers remember but my brain cannot seems to be able to put a name to this song. as i continue to piece together this mystery song, BANG it hits me. ITS CRISOFORI'S DREAM! one of the greatest songs that my brother had me get when i was still in high school. i remember when i learned it and how fun it was and how much i loved it and how much it gives me the greatest feeling of peace in my heart. so because i hadn't played it in forever i couldn't remember all the sections so immediately after playing it and feeling pretty good peace, decided that i needed to find the sheet music so i googled it, found it, and have played it almost everyday since and my heart feels so much better and i love it. so my rediscovery have been one of the greatest blessing in my life and has become one of my greatest passions. there you go, in case you haven't found it yet :)

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Quarter of a Century

so for those of you that read this... you already know that it was by birthday yesterday. i turned a quarter of a century old yesterday. half way to 50 is what i keep telling everybody. :)

and by yesterday i mean last week.... im a bit late in posting them... but im trying