Friday, September 16, 2011

The Bus

so Katrina is not in working order and i have a nanny job at turtle bay. which is only about a 10 minute drive away when you have a car. but considering Katrina can function i have to submit myself to The Bus. Now this is not a catastrophe in an of itself, because i am completely ok with public transportation, its always interesting and fun and you get to meet interesting people. and in different countries it is the only mode of transportation. so can anyone tell me why it is causing me so much ANXIETY!!!!! i live right next to the bus stop, my house is even named the Bus stop house. which is probably one of the reasons it causes me so much anxiety. because i have been home since 2. and i don't have to work till 7 but i could tell you that the bus came at 2:56, 3:30, and 4:35, and the last one just passes at 5:40. The buses are really inconsistent and so i am terrified that i wont get there on time so its almost 6 and i am going to head out to the bus stop ( which is across from my house) and wait with anxiety for the bus to come. and i will either be incredibly early for the nanny job. or late. i hope its the first one. and can someone tell me when i got so anxious about being on time? I'm usually completely ok with being late, and yet i am sitting here watching each bus go by waiting for the one that i need to take. where has my mind gone?

The little roof on the top right, is the bus stop.... i have been staring at it for way too long!!!!!